Whoa, only four months to go until I turn 30! I'm by no means fretting about 30, but I am a bit stressed about accomplishing my 30 Before 30 to-do list. So I'm going to start a monthly check-in to hold myself accountable. This post can go right into the this-is-for-my-purposes-only basket, but maybe someone else out there likes managing someone else's to-do list just like I do (hi, Cooke! How's that to-do list?).
Sidenote: Summer after junior year of college, I lived in Georgetown in a row house that should have been condemned, but I was living with fabulous girlfriends so we looked passed the squirrels that also took up residence there. Cooke and I shared a room with bunk beds and as we were falling asleep each night we'd discuss her to-do list and plan of attack.
Ok so back to the 30 Before 30...
Sidenote: Summer after junior year of college, I lived in Georgetown in a row house that should have been condemned, but I was living with fabulous girlfriends so we looked passed the squirrels that also took up residence there. Cooke and I shared a room with bunk beds and as we were falling asleep each night we'd discuss her to-do list and plan of attack.
Ok so back to the 30 Before 30...
- Photo Albums - Catch up on old photo albums. I haven't printed pictures since college. I want to get my photos organized and into albums... think I'm going to do digital photo books (probably on blurb.com) as opposed to printing pictures and putting them in a book. More compact this way. --> Yeah, I'd forgotten about this one. Need to get moving. Good thing is that most all of my photos are digitized so it's just making the books.
- Flossing - I need to become a flosser-- apparently this is important. --> In progress.
Herb Garden - Start an herb garden and keep it alive!--> I'm going to go ahead and scratch this off the list and consider it accomplished! "Planted" about 2 months ago and still alive and thriving.- Marine Parade - Try to go see the Marine Parade. Think this one is going to have to be replaced as there are no more reservations for 2011! This one is being replaced as there are no more 2011 reservations. I'm replacing it with a matter of business which is Completing My Name Change. While I am official according to the DC Courts, Social Security & DMV, I still need to have everyone else (credit cards, bank accounts, frequent flier accounts which I hear is the worst!) process my new name.
- Pizza - Perfect pizza at home from scratch (this is not going to be a fun process...) --> Need to get to work on this one. I think I've found my go to crust though...
- Tallulah & Vidalia - Get T&V up and running. I think starting the blog helps with this one! --> In progress but definitely moving along.
- 5 a Day - Easily incorporate 5 fruits and veggies into my daily diet. This is probably easy for most but considering I could live off of any combo of cheese and carbs, not so easy for me. --> Hmmm...
- Random Acts of Thoughtfulness - I used to be much better about this. Now I just think of things and never follow through. Time to change. --> Kind of hard to measure but I've definitely acted on a few things I thought about instead of doing nothing.
- Get (and stay!) Organized - Financially, craft supplies, kitchen, closet. I definitely believe that everything should have a place and everything should be in that place, so I need to find a place for everything (or get rid of it). --> Work in progress although it needs a lot more progress.
- Time Capsules - Start a tradition of a yearly time capsule with mementos from the year. --> I think this blog is serving as a Time Capsule of sorts.
- (private)
- Photography - Practice, practice, practice --> Practicing yes, but still need lots of work.
- Baked Alaska - Make a baked Alaska! Why? No real reason... I just want to. --> Need to do this.
- Stop Procrastinating - Self explanatory.
- Wines - Start and maintain a like and dislikes list. --> Found an app I love and am tracking. Will share more details later.
- (private)
- Hair Stylist - Find a hair stylist in DC that I love. It's hard when the bar is set so high by Stephanie in Dallas, but I think it's time to find someone to supplement in DC. --> I have been to the same lady the last 3 times and I do like her so maybe?
- Segways - Finally do that segway tour of DC! --> Still open...
- Accessorize -
Clean out my closetand organize so I can easily accessorize each day .--> Clean out closet, check! Organization still needs to happen. - Bike to Mt. Vernon - Going to have to work up to this one. Andy, this involves you too! --> Considering Andy and I haven't ridden our bikes since he moved into DC, this is a tough one...
- New Recipes - Make a new recipe from one of my cookbooks each week. --> While I don't cook a new recipe each week, I'd say I probably average that considering some weeks I cook lots of new recipes. So I'm happy with this progress.
- Sewing - Take a class or read a book and practice. --> Definitely open.
- Birthdays - SEND BIRTHDAY CARDS!!! --> August... august it is!
- Reach out to family more frequently --> Hi family!
- CPA - Get licensed!!! --> In progress...
- House Hunting - Start checking off the tasks of what must get done before we can start actually looking at houses and buy one! --> Hmm... Andy? I forget what tasks come first before I can actually start decorating... oh finances, finding an agent, etc.
- Constantly Question Myself - "Is this really what I want to be doing?" If the answer is no, then CHANGE IT! (this applies to a lot of things... daily activities like when I'm sucked into Facebook and don't want to be and more life long ones) --> I've definitely been doing this which has saved countless wasted time on Facebook.
- A Thought a Day Journal - Start and maintain. --> I think this blog is serving as my Thought a Day... I bought the journal but didn't keep it up, at all.
- Scan Pics - Finish scanning pictures. --> Still open for some lingering pics, especially the really old ones which aren't necessary to complete #1.
- Develop skin care routine --> Still open on this one as well.
Hmm, that's only one thing that's scratched off. This could be an interesting 4 months...
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