Knowing that Andy would immediately put the top back on our convertible as we headed down I-95 for an hour drive, I needed a sturdy hair 'do. Enter the sock-bun. It's a remarkable thing that can turn a puny ponytail into a full and glamorous bun!
Click on the picture above to go to the tutorial on Three Pink Dots where I learned to do the sock-bun (photos by Sarah Baker Photography). If it doesn't work for you the first time, just try again. I tried a few times, quitting halfway through the process thinking "this isn't going to work" but if you just keep rolling, eventually it does with no bobby pins needed!
Click on the picture above to go to the tutorial on Three Pink Dots where I learned to do the sock-bun (photos by Sarah Baker Photography). If it doesn't work for you the first time, just try again. I tried a few times, quitting halfway through the process thinking "this isn't going to work" but if you just keep rolling, eventually it does with no bobby pins needed!
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